Close Photo: fabeveryday As a parent of three daughters who were, let’s say, “delightfully opinionated,” my mom had a trusted line-up of about 10 weeknight
Close Photo: Allrecipes / Qi Ai I think most people would agree that football season is as much about food, as it is about watching the game.
Close Photos: Getty Images. Photo: Amelia Manley/Dotdash Meredith There’s a lot to love about semi-homemade cooking. Coined by celebrity chef and cookbook
When it comes to baking, those classic recipes that existed long before you (or even your parents) were born always seem to circle back.
Close Photo: ALLRECIPES / KAREN HIBBARD A great chicken dinner is a recipe you keep for life. Coming across one that’s been hiding away is like finding
Close Photo: Dotdash Meredith Food Studios We love a good food mashup here at Allrecipes (seriously, just take a look at our mouthwatering new Tomato Soup
Close Photo: AllRecipes / Diana Chistruga My saved recipe folder is filled with dips I love and many I have yet to make. Dips are generally very easy to
Close Photo: Dotdash Meredith Food Studios When I was a kid, my sisters and I always looked forward to our birthdays because they came with some special
Close Photo: Sara Haas I like my brownies made from scratch, without substitutions or “hacks,” that could potentially alter my favorite dessert.
As I was scrolling through social media, staring at food video after food video, I came across this genius trick for making a Dairy Queen-style “