My Genius Trick For Lining Any Cake Pan Will Change the Way You Bake


The process of making a layer cake—gathering and mixing ingredients, cracking eggs, and heating the oven—often seems simple until you get to the line in the recipe that says line pans with parchment.” If you’ve nearly thrown in the towel, thinking “There has got to be a better way,” let me tell you are not alone and that there is. 

Put away your Sharpies and your compasses and do a little origami with me. This is, perhaps, one of my all-time favorite baking hacks that I picked up back in culinary school and I have never looked back.

Reynolds Just Settled the Debate: Should You Use Aluminum Foil or Parchment Paper for Baking?

How to Cut Parchment Paper for Your Round Pan

Dotdash Meredith Food Studios

  • Start with a piece of parchment paper that is slightly larger than your cake pan. 
  • Fold that piece in half, from left to right. 
  • Fold it in half again, from top to bottom. 
  • Now fold that paper into a triangle
  • Now fold it into an even smaller triangle. 
  • Align the tip of the triangle with the center of your pan. 
  • Press the wide end of your triangle against the edge of your pan to make a crease. 
  • Use your scissors to cut along that crease, through all 4 layers of paper. 
  • Open her up… be astounded. 
  • Grease Your Pan with Butter Wrappers

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    Now, if you want to take things a step further, you can take a page from my granny’s book and grease your pans with your butter wrappers using your hands. She always had a zip-top bag of butter wrappers in her freezer and never bought pan spray. The butter-slicked paper will contour to the edges, nooks, and crannies of your pans—and you don’t even have to buy anything extra for a perfectly, artfully greased pan. 

    I’m a Former Bakery Owner—This Is My Favorite Cake Pan

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